Gearless Elevator

Gearless Elevator

One of the types of elevators used in some cases with a special nature of constructions

It is one of the types of elevators that do not contain engine room
There are buildings that need to apply elevators that do not contain a room for the engine. For this purpose, motor technology has been developed that does not contain equipment.
Thanks to these machine motors, the engine room problem has been eliminated. Because the engine of the lifting machine has a controlled and controlled frequency, it moves very comfortably without any concussion and without any sounds, providing comfort and quiet to the user.
Engines that do not have power equipment provide more than lifts with equipment and gear.
Elevators of this type are heavily used in bus stations, airports, duty stations and multi-storey shops, as well as buildings that provide health, cultural and educational services.
Architects and building designers prefer villas that have no engine room in terms of comfort and energy savings.
Benefits of elevators that do not contain engine room: